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I hope that, you are finding my posts on Git Basics/Git Tutorial helpful. In the last post on this series, we learned "How to stash the changes in a dirty working directory?". Today we are going to discuss how to remove untracked files.


Everyone needs to clean the working tree when some job is done or want to reset the directory. Let's learn how to do this using the command "git clean".

Published by on under Git | Git Basics

I hope that, you are finding my articles on Git Tutorials helpful. Till now, as part of the Git Tutorial Series we learned about the changes, the commit to the staging area, viewing the working tree status and pushing the changes to the remote repository.


In this part of the tutorial series, we will learn how to stash the changes of a working directory and pop it where/when require. Lets start discussing about “git stash” command and it’s parameters.

Published by on under Git | Git Basics

As of now, as part of the Git Tutorial Series we learned about the changes, the commit to the staging area and viewing the working tree status. Once we are fine with the local branch changes, we need to push it to remote repository.


In this part of the tutorial, we will learn how to push these commits/changes to remote. Lets start discussing about the “git push” command and it’s various parameters.

Published by on under Git | Git Basics

In the last two posts of the "Git Basics" series, we learned how to stage changes and save/commit to Git remote repository. I hope, that was clear and easy to understand. Today we are going to see how to show the working tree status.


Let's continue learning the "git status" command today with the parameters that you need to know. Stay tuned to read more posts on Git Basics.

Published by on under Git | Git Basics

In the last post of the series, we covered "Git Add" command to stage changes. Today we are going to discuss "How to commit that staging changes to Git repository", which you will need to perform every time working with it.


Let's continue learning about the command "git commit" today with the parameters that you need to learn. Stay tuned to read more and more posts on Git basic series.

Published by on under Git | Git Basics

In the last article, we covered "Git Fetch and Git Pull". Today we are going to discuss another topic on the Git Basics tutorial series i.e. "How to stage your changes to Git repository", which you will find useful while working in Git.


Let's continue learning about the command "git add" today with the parameters that you need to know. Stay tuned to read more and more posts on Git basic topics.

Published by on under Git | Git Basics

In the last article, we discussed about "Git Tags". Today we are going to discuss another topic "Git Fetch" and "Git Pull", which I hope, will help you to easily work with Git Bash commands to download code from repository.


Let's continue learning about "git fetch" and "git pull" today with the commands that you need to know. Stay tuned to read more and more posts on this topic.

Published by on under Git | Git Basics

I hope that the last post on "Git Branches" from my "Tutorials on Git Basics" was easy for you to understand. Today we are going to discuss on another topic "Git Tags", which I hope, will help you to easily work with Git Bash commands.


Let's continue learning this today with the commands that you need to know. Stay tuned to get more posts on this topic.

Published by on under Git | Git Basics

Continuing the on going series on "Git Basics", we will today learn on "remote connections". I hope, you are enjoying reading this series and read the last post "How to create, move, delete, list Git branches?". Bookmark it for future references.


Today in this post, we will cover how to create, list, rename and delete a remote connection on local Git repository. We will learn all the related commands.

Published by on under Git | Git Basics

Git is now a common tool in software development, for version controlling. In the last post, we described about "How to rename a Git branch?". Today we are going to learn more about Git branches and it's commands.


Continue reading to know how to create/rename/move/delete/list Git branches. Also, don't forget to check other posts on Git Basics/Git Cheat sheets.

Published by on under Git | Git Basics

These days, Git is one of the most popular version control systems available for software development. Git was created by Linus Torvalds in 2005 for development of the Linux kernel and gradually used as a free software distributed under GNU General Public License version 2.


Though there are many UI tools available for Git, but sometimes working with Git command is very tricky. Today in this post, we will learn the basics on renaming a Git branch.

Published by on under Git | Git Basics

Not many of us wants to work in the designer view of Visual Studio while working with the XAML files. This could be due to no requirements of changing the UI layout rather than few data bindings. By default, Visual Studio loads the XAML designer view.


In this post we are going to learn how to disable the designer view and/or change the way it loads the default document view.

Published by on under Tips | Visual Studio 2015

It’s now a connected world and the applications that you use these days should run in multiple devices. Thus needs a smooth synchronization of it’s data. Visual Studio 2015 provides a way to synchronize it’s settings to multiple connected devices through One Drive.


In this blog post, we will learn how to synchronize the Visual Studio settings so that, you can have the same settings in all devices that you use.

Published by on under Tips | Visual Studio 2015

Setting the environment variables are sometime a necessary part of the developers and the system administrators. This some time screws up our life, mostly when working with the path variables separating by commas (‘,’).


In Windows 10 Anniversary Update, Microsoft provided a simple UI playing with these environment variables, which we are going to discuss today.

Published by on under Tips | Win10Tips

As Windows 10 Anniversary Update has already been released, in this post we are going to see one of the key feature of this updates. Whenever we try to download something using Microsoft Edge, the file gets downloaded in the default download folder, if we ourself do not mention the path.


As one of the key features of Windows 10 Anniversary Update, you can now change the default download folder as your desire. You can follow the below mentioned steps to do so.

Published by on under Manika-Chowdhury | Microsoft Edge

If you are using Windows 10, you must already aware of the new lightweight browser "Microsoft Edge" and had already experienced it. Windows 10 Anniversary Update brought many new features and enhancements to it, which you don't want to miss.


In this short post, we will learn about a cool but old feature by which you can open any web page from Microsoft Edge onto Internet Explorer. Continue to know more about it.

Published by on under Microsoft Edge | Tips

If you are a web developer, many time you need to view the source code of a web page and/or use the inspect element feature of a browser to find out a specific code section. If you are using Microsoft Edge on Windows 10, you will not find these options by default.


To enable these features, you need to set some parameters to Microsoft Edge browser. Today we will learn how to do the changes in this blog post.

Published by on under Microsoft Edge | Tips

Sometime when using NuGet packages, it may need additional packages as a reference. During installation of the main package, if it’s unable to install the dependent packages, Visual Studio 2015 allows you to auto download missing packages.


In this small blog post, we will learn how to enable this settings to retrieve the missing packages in various conditions. Continue reading to know more.

Published by on under NuGet | Tips

Some updates require you to reboot your system and sign-in to Windows in order to complete the installation process. This blocks you to use the system until the update process completes. Windows 10 helps you to prevent this by auto login to complete the update.


In this post we are going to learn, how to enable/disable this feature in Windows 10 Anniversary Update. Continue reading to know more about it.

Published by on under Tips | Win10Tips

How many times it happened that, while writing code, you misspelled a type name? This is most common and this kind of typos can happen with everyone. Visual Studio 2015 provides a way to correct such spelling mistakes using “fuzzy matching” direct from the light bulb.


Today we are going to discuss on this topic and see how it can help you. Continue reading this post and don’t forget to check my other posts on Visual Studio 2015 Tips & Tricks.

Published by on under Tips | Visual Studio 2015