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Microsoft has recently launched Visual Studio 2010 and .Net 4.0 Beta 1 with more expressive features. Some of them are mentioned below:

[New Language Support]
Visual F# is a new programming language which actually combines functional & object oriented programming to provide scalable language for .Net.

[Test Driven Development]
Visual Studio 2010 now offers greater support for test driven development where tests can be written before the actual code as an approach to the software design.

[Multi Targeting]
By using the multi targeting feature you can also create application of earlier version in new IDE of visual studio.

[Parallel Processing]
Using the new parallel extension of .Net 4.0 developers can create application which will scale efficiently as the number of cores & processors increase.

The new framework improvements & expanded capabilities in the security model by simplifying the security policy. Now runtime support has been removed for enforcing the Deny, RequestMinimum, RequestOptional, and RequestRefuse permission requests.

.Net framework 4.0 beta 1 now provides improvement in the startup time and faster performance for multi threaded applications.

[Lazy Initialization]
By using this feature, the memory for an object is not allocated until it is needed. This improves the performance by spreading the object allocation across the lifetime of the application.

[In-Process Execution]
This enables an application to load & activate multiple version of the CLR inside the same process. Now you can run applications those are based on the .Net 2.0 & .Net 4.0 inside the same process.

In the new framework you can now attach, run and detach profiling tasks at any point of time.

[Garbage Collection]
.Net Framework 4.0 now supports background garbage collection. In earlier frameworks it was a concurrent garbage collection.

[Collection & Data Structure]
- The new framework now includes BigInteger which supports all the standard numeric operation including the bit operation.
- It now supports self balancing SortedSet tree which sorts automatically after insert/delete operation.
- A new data structure named Tuple has been introduced in this framework which can hold an ordered set of heterogeneous items.

[Exception Handling]
The new CLR can now handle any exception regarding the corrupted state of the underlying operating system.

and more…

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Recently, I was facing performance issue while working with huge data. I need to bind those data inside a panel as Custom User Control & want to change the properties multiple times in a second. When I used less no's of data it was working fine, but, when I tried with more no of data, my application starts crying. It was a real pain to the application to start while loading those records & unfortunately I didn’t get any solution to that.

After doing a lot of analysis with VirtualizingStackPanel concept that I shared in my previous post “What is Virtualizing StackPanel?” didn’t solve my problem which I was facing due to huge no of data.

Later, I found a very good post (“WPF: Adventures in Virtualization by Mike Taulty”) shared by Dr. WPF on implementing custom Virtual Panel, which actually resolved my problem.

Here you will find some very good articles on step-by-step implementation of Virtual Panel:

Those are very nice articles to implement the custom virtual panel step-by-step & after implementation of this panel, I noticed a huge performance improvement in my application. This really helped me while working with a huge records.

Now, come to the basic concept of this virtual panel. What it actually does. It loads all the records in a different thread & populate them in the UI as much as records that can be viewable in the screen. While scrolling, it actually creates new object of the elements by virtualizing the existing elements. So, only those objects will be in the memory which are available in the screen. The rest will go for a cleanup process. Hence, improving the performance more & more…. depending on the visible UI elements.

See a nice example in this location:

Published by on under .Net | Tips

Virtualizing StackPanel generates container items when needed & throws them from memory when they are no longer in the view. When the panel has huge number of items, at that time there is no need to keep the extra items in memory which are not in view. This solves the memory problem.

If you are populating a huge number of items in any panel, then it is a better idea to use the Virtualization. But, due to throwing away of the extra items & recreating them when in view, costs some extra processing power when the Virtualizing StackPanel uses the default Standard Mode. To solve this issue, just change the virtualization mode to "Recycling". This is called as Container Recycling, which introduced in .Net 3.5 SP1 as a new feature.

By default, this recycling mode is turned off. To enable the container recycling, first turn on the Virtualizing StackPanel with “VirtualizationModeProperty” as “Recycling”.

<WrapPanel x:Name="wrpPanel" VirtualizingStackPanel.IsVirtualizing="true" VirtualizingStackPanel.VirtualizationMode="Recycling" />

You can also use GetVirtualizationMode() & SetVirtualizationMode() to get or set the current mode.

Published by on under .Net | SilverlightTips

DependencyProperty is set to enable declarative code to alter the properties of an object which reduces the data requirements by providing a more powerful notification system regarding the change of data in a very specific way. In .NET, there are two types of properties. One is the normal property & another is the DependencyProperty which has added functionality over the normal property.

Now, let us discuss on how to implement such DependencyProperty to give a powerful notification on data change:

First of all, implement the UserControl class from INotifyPropertyChanged interface:

public partial class MyUserControl : UserControl, INotifyPropertyChanged
    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
    protected void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
        if (PropertyChanged != null)
            PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));

Create your own normal Property, lets say the name of the property is “Caption”.

public string Caption

    get { return GetValue(CaptionProperty).ToString(); } 
    set { SetValue(CaptionProperty, value); }

Now, register the DependencyProperty to the CLR by calling the Register method by passing the property field that you used to store the data in earlier step:

public static readonly DependencyProperty CaptionProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("Caption", typeof(string), typeof(MyUserControl), new PropertyMetadata(string.Empty, OnCaptionPropertyChanged));

The name of the identifier field of the DependencyProperty will be same as you used in the property after appending “Property” at the end. In this example, our Property name is “Caption”, hence our identifier field name is “CaptionProperty”. Add the PropertyMetaData with default value & callback event handler within the Register method as mentioned in the above code. Mark the identifier as static & readonly so that this will be unique to the CLR.

Now, implement the OnCaptionPropertyChanged event handler:

private static void OnCaptionPropertyChanged(DependencyObject dependencyObject, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)

    MyUserControl myUserControl = dependencyObject as MyUserControl; 

private void OnCaptionPropertyChanged(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
    txbCaption.Text = Caption;

The implementation of the DependencyProperty is complete. You can either call it from XAML:

<local:MyUserControl Caption="My First Dependency Property Example" />

or from Code behind:

MyUserControl myUserControl = new MyUserControl();
myUserControl.SetValue(MyUserControl.CaptionProperty, "My First Dependency Property Example");

Published by on under .Net | Silverlight

Splash Screens are always helpful while starting the application. At the time of loading application code & data from backend, it is always good to show a splash screen to the end user. It actually gives a look & feel of loading something and that time the user will see the first UI on his desktop. In .Net 3.5 SP1, this is really simple. Just do the following to add a simple basic splash screen to your application.

1. Create a PNG image & add it to your project. PNG images are better choice rather than BMP images because, they are lighter in size and you can also create a transparent PNG image.

2. Now right click on that image & click properties from the solution explorer of Visual Studio 2008 SP1.

3. Here you will find an option named “Build Action”. Select “SplashScreen” from the dropdown.

4. Save the project, build it & run the application.

Now you will see the image (Splash Screen) before rendering the actual application. After completion of rendering of the main window, the Splash Screen will automatically close. This way, it improves the startup experience of the WPF application.

Published by on under Tips | WPF