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It was the hot, sunny morning when we reached the venue for giving a seminar on Windows 8 Store application development as part of C# Corner Jabalpur Chapter. As it was a “Windows 8 Developers Day”, we had two speakers (including me) demonstrating various path of development.


As it was the first event there, we expected very little crowd and there were 12 people joined it and I can say that, it was a great success. I hope to see more crowd in coming days.


Me with the attendees at Windows 8 Developers Day


The above is a group photo with the participants of the event. Everyone enjoyed it as all the demonstrations was from scratch. First I started with introducing C# Corner and Jabalpur Chapter, who are the people behind it as this was the first event in this small city. As per the next agenda of the event, I started demonstrating Windows 8 and Windows Store Applications.


Here are few screenshots from the session where I was demonstrating Windows Store applications in a Microsoft Surface tablet and in-depth WinRT Platform and how to begin with application development on the said technology:


Windows 8 Developers Day - Demonstrating Windows Store apps in Microsoft SurfaceWindows 8 Developers Day - Demonstrating WinRT API and Application Development


The below snap shows how serious were the developers attending the event. Everyone got basic kick start in this technology and enjoyed every slides. Among them one developer became excited building his first Store application and in the evening he mailed me saying that, he formatted his drives and set up his environment with Windows 8 and Visual Studio 2012. Isn’t it good? I liked that spirit in the developers residing in that city.


Demonstrating at Windows 8 Developers Day


As maximum of them are experienced professionals in XAML front, it was easy for me to demonstrate the first “Hello Windows Store” app, architecture of individual project templates and what we can do with that.


After the break, we had another session from Neelesh Vishwakarma who demonstrated building Windows 8 Store applications using HTML/JavaScript. It was his first event where he demonstrated his skills in a nice way. People enjoyed his session too.


Neelesh Vishwakarma, the other Speaker demonstrating Windows Store Application Development using JavaScript


Those who missed the event and those who wanted to note down few of the important points from the session of mine, I am sharing the slides below. Please feel free to reach me if you have any issue accessing them here. Also, those are new to this technology and want to get start with building apps for Windows Store, let me know if we can help you with few additional sessions.




Finally thanks to all the attendees who participated in the event. Also, my sincere thanks to Mahesh Chand sir and Praveen sir of C# Corner who supported building a Chapter here with the developers. This was the first event and we hope to have more events in coming days if we get the blessings from the seniors of C# Corner.


At the end of the event, we also announced the next event day. It’s scheduled to be on 13th July 2013 but the date is yet to confirm. The Jabalpur Chapter team will send out the event notification to all the members of this Chapter. If you are in or around the city, don’t miss the opportunity to attend these events. Though it’s a small group but we have hope to grow and passion to help the other developers learning different Microsoft Technology stacks.

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