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Microsoft begins rolling out its first Windows 11 build to the newly formed Canary Channel. If you are a Windows Insider in the Canary Channel, you will now receive "Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 25314" with some new features and improvements.


That being said, the latest canary build of Windows 11 contains some new features that are also rolling out to the Dev Channel with build 23403. For a detailed list of changes and improvements in Windows 11 Canary Build 25314, continue reading further.


What's new and improved in Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 25314
Windows 11 Insiders Canary Channel Builds


Windows Insiders who were previously using builds from the 25000 series in the Windows 11 Dev Channel are now using the new Windows 11 Canary Channel. If you are on Build 25309 and have not yet been migrated to the Canary Channel, you can wait to be migrated or switch yourself to the Canary Channel independently via Settings > Windows Update > Windows Insider Program in order to receive Build 25314 today.


You must conduct a clean installation of Windows 11 in order to return to the Dev Channel, and you must then re-join the Dev Channel in order to continue receiving 23000 series builds in this channel.


As builds released to the Canary Channel are “hot off the presses”, we will offer limited documentation for builds flighted to the Canary Channel (no known issues for example), but we will not publish a blog post for every flight – only when new features are available in a build, said Microsoft.



What's new and improved in Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 25314?

Access Keys in File Explorer

A shortcut key known as an access key enables keyboard users to swiftly carry out a task from a context menu with only one keystroke. These access key shortcuts have been introduced by Microsoft to the File Explorer XAML context menu in this build. Click on a file in File Explorer and press the menu key on your keyboard to test this out.


Access Keys in File Explorer
Access Keys in File Explorer



File Recommendations in File Explorer

To give consumers the most pertinent file material at their fingertips, File Suggestions are coming to File Explorer Home. Users that have an Azure Active Directory (AAD) account signed in to Windows will have access to this feature (seen below). Cloud files linked to that account, either owned by the user or shared with the user, will be recommended.


File Recommendations in File Explorer
File Recommendations in File Explorer



Local Security Authority (LSA) protection

By prohibiting unauthorized code from running in the LSA process and from dumping process memory, Local Security Authority (LSA) protection helps guard against the theft of secrets and login credentials. After you upgrade to this build, the system will audit for a while to look for LSA protection compatibility issues. It will instantly activate LSA Protection if it does not find any incompatibilities. Under Device Security > Core Isolation on the Windows Security application's home page, you may monitor and modify the LSA protection's enabled status.


Local Security Authority (LSA) protection
Local Security Authority (LSA) protection



Other improvements

With this version and later releases of Windows 11, we are by default disabling the Remote Mailslot Protocol in order to strengthen security. The historical Remote Mailslot Protocol, which was introduced in Windows NT 3.1 and will be phased down in a subsequent Windows release, is a straightforward, unreliable, insecure, and unidirectional inter-process communications interface between a client and server. You might encounter one or more of the following issues if a program tries to open a Remote Mailslot session through the SMB protocol:

  • The requested operation failed. Remote mailslots have been deprecated


Make sure your vendor is using the most recent version of their software if your application still supports Remote Mailslot. It is never advisable to utilize the outdated Remote Mailslot since it is insecure. Use the following PowerShell command in an elevated PowerShell console if you need to momentarily enable Remote Mailslot:


PS C:\> Set-SmbClientConfiguration -EnableMailslots $true


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