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Microsoft updates its Visual Studio 2022 IDE to version 17.3.5. The latest update of Visual Studio 2022 v17.3.5 brings no new features but addresses a couple of issues found in the older version of the IDE. For a detailed list of changes, continue reading further.


Visual Studio 2022 version 17.3.5 fixes a few issues


What's new and improved in Visual Studio 2022?

  • Fixed an issue where Visual Studio would get into a unresponsive state intermittently while closing WinForms .NET Designer.
  • When a user has HSTS enabled in their browser settings and adds a GitHub account to the Visual Studio keychain, an error message is displayed with a link to troubleshoot the issue.
  • Fixed an issue where Roslyn analyzers and source generators targeting version 4.3.0 would fail to load in Visual Studio.
  • Adds support for Xcode 14.0.
  • Test Explorer hangs when stopping the Debug in UI tests with Selenium.
  • Failed to pair to Mac with error "Could not install workload manifest for ''...".
  • Compiler warnings after upgrading to 17.2.0 (C4311).
  • Opening solution with large number of projects much slower in VS2022 17.3 than 17.2.
  • Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.TextTemplating unable to install on VS BuildTools 2022 17.3.3.
  • Version mismatch between Roslyn in MSBuild and CodeStyle analyzers in the SDK.
  • Visual Studio 2022 17.3.0 breaks IncrediBuild.


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