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Gaining better visibility in the search results has always been the main focus of the traditional search engine optimizer. It is very important to stay visible for the maximum percentage of time to the most correct buying audience. The website design and the layouts speak more and are the first thing to impress the visitor.


In this guest blog post, Kelly Marsh will help you to understand how to make your web pages communicate in a more effective way by following few tips. This blog post is targeted for all the readers. Do share and leave your feedback. If you have any queries, ask her in the below comments section and she will guide you.



Gaining better visibility in the search results has always been the main focus of the traditional search engine optimizer. It is very important to stay visible for the maximum percentage of time to the most correct buying audience. Not to forget that website development has very crucial role in proper optimization. Additionally, the website design and the layouts speak more and are the first thing to impress the visitor.


Moreover, the design of pages also has very significance in effective communication. To ensure an impactful and visually appealing website, businesses can collaborate with a reputable Atlanta web design company that specializes in creating stunning and engaging web designs. Here are some tips to make your web pages communicate in a more effective way.



1. Headlines easily communicate about your service and products

Always keep your headline or title as simple as it can be. With complex headlines or titles often people get misguided what a webpage is all about. With simple headlines the communications become effective as it is easy to absorb. Make sure that your opening headline delivers the main message that describes the web page.


2. Make use of an ‘emotionally charged’ opening headline or initial paragraph

These kinds of opening headlines or an initial paragraph helps to connect with the widest range of readers. This will help your webpage to connect with the biggest audience. Emotionally charged headlines and initial paragraphs somewhere connect to the person’s wants and needs at some point in their lives and this helps them to communicate with the page more effectively.



3. Focus on others rather than being self focused

Don’t make use of terms that will refer to phrases about you. Avoid expressions like we are, we can, we will and the like. Always make use of expressions that will focus on the readers. They include you can, with this guarantee you will enjoy working with us, yours and the like.


4. Focus on your benefits and unique selling proposition (USP)

People often end up describing their products and services without emphasizing on the true benefits. They assume that people will get to know about the benefits themselves if they know all the features. But this turns out to be a false assumption. You have to tell the readers about the benefits and don’t restrict to just 1 or 2. Make sure to identify at least 20 to 30 benefits. Also, try to tell the readers that why your product or service is unique and one of the best.



5. Experiment with various text styles

The easiest text styles to read are Arial font and Verdana. You can include customer testimonials about your products and services. If you put the testimonials in a courier new font then it looks similar to a type written note and people connect to them in a more effective way.


6. Offer a guarantee of any type to your product

Your readers should read your guarantee. You can even make your guarantee memorable with a unique phrase. This helps the people to remember it as it would read a little different.



7. Make use of little graphics

Little graphics act as confidence builders. Addition of little graphics like credit card logos near the order button makes the average visitors feel safe by boosting up their confidence. Make sure to use the right types of graphics. You can make use of images to which people can connect easily. The images should be happy ones and should portray positivity.


By making little changes and following all these tips you can make your web pages communicate in a more effective way.


About the author:

Kelly Marsh is a blogger by profession. She loves writing on technology and luxury. Beside this she is fond of gadgets. Recently an article on cellphone beat attracted her attention. These days she is busy in writing an article on born rich.


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