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Microsoft announced a new Software Development Kit (SDK) to begin your journey with its latest technology 'Quantum Computing'. Quantum computing based on quantum mechanics which will help machines to solve complex problems much faster.


Along with this, Microsoft also released a new programming language called 'Q#' (Q-Sharp), which is fully integrated with Visual Studio 2017.


Your quantum journey begins with Microsoft SDK


If you have basic knowledge on Visual Studio IDE and a bit of programming experience, you can jump start with Q# application development by installing the new SDK for Quantum Computing. Please note that, its under 'Preview' release bits.


The Quantum Development Kit Preview provides a complete development and simulation environment that contains the following components:

  • Q# language and compiler
  • Q# standard library
  • Local quantum machine simulator
  • Quantum computer trace simulator
  • Visual Studio extension

If you want to explore quantum development, get started by installing the Quantum SDK (Software Development Kit) preview.


Here's a short video demonstrating step-by-step demo using Microsoft Quantum Development Kit:




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