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Windows Store

Showing posts with label Windows Store. Show all posts

Recently, several users running Windows 10 and Windows 11 operating systems reported that they are unable to access their games downloaded from Microsoft Store. While trying to launch a game, they are encountering an error with code "0x000001F4 ".


In general, this issue can be seen when either the Xbox services are down or a system file has been reported as corrupted. In this article, we will help you quickly fix the "Microsoft Store error 0x000001F4" on Windows 10, and Windows 11 systems.

Published by on under Microsoft Windows 11 | Windows

“Linked Inbox” feature is now available again in Outlook Mail for Windows 10 Mobile. After a new build pushed recently, Microsoft pulled the same and replaced with an older version of the Outlook Mail due to some issues. The issue was causing the app to crash and close.


Good news is that, the app is again available in store with linked inbox feature, which will enable you to merge multiple mail boxes into one inbox. Continue reading to know about it.

Published by on under Windows | Windows 10

A big news just shared by Microsoft today for all the developers in Windows Platform. Yes, it’s for both Windows Phone and Windows developers. Dev Center account is now a life time membership and that means, you don’t have to renew your account every year.


If you are a dev, you don’t want to miss this opportunity to build for any or both the Windows platforms. Read to find out more on this topic.

Published by on under News | WinDev

If you are a Win8Dev and building a Windows 8/WinRT application, you might want to download a file asynchronously from a web location. The job is very easy in Silverlight and in this case too but you just need to know the way, the APIs and the configuration settings.


Many developers already faced the difficulty to download a file in their WinRT apps and hence I thought to share the code with the API details in this post.

Published by on under Tutorial | Win8

As a Silverlight, WPF or WPDev you might be aware of the MessageBox class present in the SDK to show a message to the user and ask the user to interact with the application on some special cases. As a Win8Dev, you will find it missing in WinRT.


What to do? There is a class named MessageDialog which does the same thing but asynchronously in Windows 8 applications. If you are new to Win8Dev, you will find it useful.

Published by on under Tutorial | Win8

As a Windows 8 Store application developer, we need to store and retrieve data to and from XML file stored in the application directory. There are various ways to store data in XML but this post will cover a simplest way to do that.


Here we will use a 3rd party extension in our application as assembly reference and use their XmlDeSerializer class to handle it easily. Keep reading to know more about it.

Published by on under Tutorial | Win8

The Windows 8 Software Development Kit (SDK) contains header libraries and a set of tools which you can use to develop Windows Store apps using technologies like Visual C#, Visual Basic, Visual C++ and/or JavaScript.


Recently a new version of the SDK has been published which you can grab from here. Also it has a new version of the WACK to validate your Windows 8 Store application branding.

Published by on under Win8 | Windows Store

The “Clipboard” is a user driven set of functions that enables an application to transfer data between applications or within an application. Windows 8 Store SDK defines a set of APIs to handle the OS clipboard in your application.


In this continued series of Windows 8 Store application development tutorial, we will learn more about the API and the way to integrate the Clipboard in your WinRT application.

Published by on under Tutorial | Win8

This is the continuing series of the Windows 8 Store application development tutorial and in this chapter, we will learn about creating and updating the live tiles of your WinRT application. There are 46 different types of tile templates available which we will go to learn today.


A live tile is one of the best way to provide a good experience to your application which you will find in your Windows 8 Start screen. Continue for further reading.

Published by on under Tutorial | Win8

If you are a Windows 8 Store application and/or game developer, you may want to provide feature to share text, graphics, links or game score cards to Facebook, Twitter or Email. Windows 8 SDK provides those APIs to implement the feature in your application.


Today in this chapter of the Windows Store Tutorial series, we will discuss more about the API methods and how to integrate it in your application. Continue reading.

Published by on under Tutorial | Win8

Many time we need to access files and folders from our applications. The Windows Store apps SDK provides us Asynchronous APIs to use for this service to query files and folders. You have to be familiar with async await calls in order to get started with this.


This post is part of the Windows Store Application Development Tutorial series. Today we will learn how to handle files and folders in your Windows 8 metro applications.

Published by on under Tutorial | Win8

If you are familiar with Windows Phone applications, you might be already aware of Application Bar. Application Bar is used to provide users with quick access to an application’s most common tasks, which are basically hidden when they are not needed.


Today in this chapter we will learn more about Application Bar in Windows Store apps along with integration and design guidelines.

Published by on under Tutorial | Win8

Many of us need to integrate settings page in our applications. All we generally do is by creating a separate page in our project. But Windows 8 provide us a separate settings panel in Charm bar which you can use for your settings page.


In this post we will learn more about it from scratch and integrate it to our demo application. Also, we will learn how to invoke the charm bar to show the settings panel.

Published by on under Tutorial | Win8

In last chapter “Navigate between Pages” we discussed the basics of page navigation, where we navigated from one page to another page using the Frame.Navigate(type, obj). We also discussed how to pass an object as query string parameter.


Today in this chapter we will discuss more advanced page navigation using the LayoutAwarePage which comes with the Grid and Split application template by default.

Published by on under Tutorial | Win8

Let’s begin with our fourth chapter of building Windows Store application development using Visual Studio 2012. In the previous chapters of this tutorial series, we got familiar with this project template and built a basic “Hello World” application.


Today in this chapter we will learn how to navigate from one page to another page in Windows 8 Store applications. So, continue reading.

Published by on under Tutorial | Win8


Today in this tutorial series, we will learn how to develop our first Windows Store application using the C#/XAML template. We will also learn how to build and run it inside a simulator that comes with the Visual Studio 2012 IDE.


Don’t forget to follow the complete tutorial series of Windows Store apps (WinRT) development and share the chapters with your network friends.

Published by on under Tutorial | Win8

Last day in “Getting Started with Windows Store apps Development” we discussed about Windows Store applications and how to setup your development machine to start with the development. We also discussed it’s four different project categories.


Today in this continued series post, we will learn more about project templates in each category and the basic project structure of most used templates.

Published by on under Tutorial | Win8

Based on the discussion with you over twitter and facebook, I am starting with a Tutorial series on Windows Store application development. The tutorial will focus on C# and XAML template to give you proper steps learning this application development.


Today we will kick-off our first chapter of this tutorial series where we will introduce with this technology and setup the developer environment with required tools and other stuffs.

Published by on under Tutorial | Win8

Microsoft just announced that, “Windows Store” is now open for all developers across 120 markets all over the world. Till date it was only available to the company accounts and no individual registration was possible.


This announcement will now bring more developers under a roof to build Windows 8 Style applications for Windows Store. Continue reading for more information.

Published by on under News | Win8