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Here comes the “Weekly News Digest” of during 25th December 2011 to 31st December 2011. During the week, we have submitted around 43 new posts to our portal by digging through the net.


In this post, find the popular 5 posts of the week, as well as popular 5 posts of the month. Also find the daily digest links at the end of the post.


We have also completed our 1 year today and the anniversary post is coming up shortly. Stay tuned to my blog for details.


Popular 5 Posts of the Week

Here comes the Popular 5 Posts of the week. In this week top ranked posts were from Matt Hidinger, Pieter De Rycke, @telerik, @mcnamaragio and @ColinEberhardt. Find the posts from them here:

Most Popular Posts of the Month

It’s month end and hence adding the most popular posts of last month too. Here comes the popular posts of the month from @dotMorten, Major Nelson, Evan Hutnick, Mary Jo Foley and @ADefWebServer:

Daily News Digests of the Week

Here comes the links of Daily News Headline @SilverlightZone. If you missed them earlier, here are those links:

We also tweet the link whenever a new post submits by our contributors to and share the same in Facebook too. You can follow us on Twitter @SilverlightZone. Keep following us and RT the entries to reach out the content to maximum people. Your tweets count. Appreciate your support.


Our motto behind running is to share the already available technical articles to all the developers in this field from a single page. We are trying our best to help the community. If you want to voluntarily participate, please drop a mail to webmaster [at] kunal-chowdhury [dot] com.

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