It’s a Christmas time. Santa could be near your house to knock your door. If you are a Windows Phone user, you will get an additional 20 GB free SkyDrive storage to use in 2014. Microsoft is floating a Redemption Code over email to claim your extra space.
Check your emails to see whether you received it. Don’t worry if you didn’t receive it yet, you will surely get it soon if you are a Windows Phone user.
Emails from Microsoft are floating around the inboxes of all Windows Phone users this Christmas time with a Redemption Code to claim an additional 20 GB free SkyDrive space, valid for one year. That means, you will be able to use it for a year on top of your current allocated 7 GB free space. If you are an old customer, your account should already reflected 25 GB lifetime storage space.
Here is the mail that will reach to your inbox shortly from Microsoft:

Make sure to click the green link before 31st January 2014 to claim your free gift. This will redirect you to SkyDrive’s “Manage Storage” page at might ask you to login with your credentials. The redeem code will be automatically populated from the link that you clicked. Don’t share the link that you received as it is a personalized for you only.

Once you hit the “Redeem” button, it will finalize the process and show you a success message. Click the “Close” button to refresh the page and check your current space balance.

You will now have an additional 20 GB free cloud storage named as “Windows bonus” in your SkyDrive account. Remember that, this extra space will be available for you to use for a year and after that, either you have to purchase or free up those space to any other media.

Though it is not clear from the giants whether they will offer this every year, but still you now have this space to use in 2014. Whether you use it or not, don’t forget to claim the benefit. It is completely free. Who knows you might need it in coming year! I wish Microsoft comes up and give all the registered users a lifetime additional space the way they did it earlier by upgrading to 25 GB free space.