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Microsoft announced the availability of Windows 10 Insiders preview build 14328 for the fast ring users. The build is now available via the Windows Update/Phone Update for both PC and Mobile devices. Only a few set of phone devices listed by Microsoft will get this build.


There are a lot of new features/enhancements available in this build along with fixes. As it’s a developer preview build, it also has some known issues. Continue reading to know more about it.


Microsoft aired Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 14328 for PC and Mobile (


Windows 10 Insider Preview build 14328 is a major build for PCs, packed with lots of new features and improvements including Windows Ink, updated Start, Cortana enhancements and more. You can read out the list of new features and enhancements, bug fixes and known issues. Read the known issues before you download the bits. If it’s going to make you uncomfortable or if you think that the issues can trouble you, switch to the slow ring now unless Microsoft releases a stable build with this new features and enhancements.


As it’s just one build newer than the mobile build 14327 that Microsoft released last Wednesday, you will not find any major enhancements or features in this build for Windows 10 Mobile.


To know more about the new features & enhancements, click below:
The list of new changes & fixes in Windows 10 PC Build 14328


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