Do you know that, Microsoft Visual Studio allows you to select the default language version of your project? The advanced project settings helps you to control the targeted C# language by changing the compiler version.
By default, the compiler accepts all valid language syntax that it can support. But if you want to change it to point to a specific version, let's learn how to do that.

How to change the default language version?
Follow the below mentioned steps in Visual Studio to target a desired C# language version for a specific project:
- From the Solution Explorer, right-click on the project node.
- Click on Properties from the context menu.
- From the project properties screen, navigate to the Build tab.
- Scroll down the screen and click Advanced... button, which you can find under the Output section. This will launch the Advanced Build Settings dialog window on the screen.
- If you are using Visual Studio 2015, the Language Version list under the General section of the Advanced Build Settings dialog will look as below:
- If you are using Visual Studio 2017, the Language Version list under the General section of the Advanced Build Settings dialog will look as below:
- Select the C# language version that you want your project to target.
- Click OK to save the changes.
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How it works...
When you select default
(Visual Studio 2015) or C# latest major version (default)
(Visual Studio 2017), the compiler accepts all valid language syntax that it can support.
When you select C# latest minor version (latest)
(Visual Studio 2017), the compiler accepts all valid language syntax that it can support in latest minor version of the compiler.
When you select ISO-1
, the compiler accepts only syntax that is included in ISO/IEC 23270:2003 C# (1.0/1.1). In case of ISO-2
, it accepts only syntax that is included in ISO/IEC 23270:2006 C# (2.0).
If you like to restrict it to a specific version, select the one that best suits your requirement. For example, selecting C# 3.0
will ask the compiler to accept only those syntax that is included in C# 3.0 and lower. Similarly, selecting C# 4.0
will restrict it to C# 4.0 and lower. You can chose other values like C# 5.0
, C# 6.0
, C# 7.0
, C# 7.1
, C# 7.2
from the list.