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Outlook 2016 brings a new set of features with the July update by which you can get someone's attention in the body of the email message or a meeting invite very easily. It will not only include their name highlighted in the body, but also add them to the “To” field.


This feature is currently available to Office Insiders and going to roll out soon. Let’s see brief about this new feature before it comes to public release.


Outlook features mentions inside mail body (


When you enter the ‘@’ symbol and the first few letters of the contact's first or last name, Outlook will offer you one or more suggestions based on your contacts list. Choose the contact that you want to mention and press enter. By default, their full name and email address will be included, highlighting it in the mail body.


Not only this, it will also add the contact in the “To” field of the mail or meeting invite. You can also delete a portion of the mention that you have inserted, e.g. everything other than the person's first name. Have a look into the below demonstration:


Use '@' to get someone's attention in mail (


It’s definitely going to be a nice feature to include in outlook and the people who regularly use it, will get benefited. What do you say?


Though the above feature is currently (at the time of writing) available to only Office Insiders, but will soon roll out to the rest of the people. If you are a Office Insider, check out this feature and report to Microsoft if you find any unnoticed bugs or have any suggestions to improve. Rest assured that, you are going to find this very useful.



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