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Showing posts with label Greetings. Show all posts

Life is a pleasant journey which never ends until we stop breathing. During the journey, we learn new things and forget the older ones. Year comes and leaves... never waits! It's time to say 'Bye' to 2017 and welcome the new year 2018.


May the new year bring new hopes, new aspirations, new joys and and new successes in your life's journey. Wish you and your family a very happy and prosperous new year!

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Life is a journey which never ends until we stop breathing. During the journey, we are learning something new forgetting the older ones. Year comes and goes… never waits and that’s the nature. We are now at the eve of saying ‘Bye’ to 2016 and welcome the new year.


We did many things in 2016 with a hope to do more in the coming year and deliver our best to our work. Thanks you everyone for all your support and feedback to my articles.

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“Time and Tide wait for none” – seriously, how the year passed through and a new journey is going to start with fresh hope, fresh expectation by forgetting the past and thinking ahead. Thanks to all my friends, family members, blog followers and other known/unknown persons with whom I am connected virtually.


The year 2014 is over. We did many things in 2014 and let us do more in the coming year and deliver our best to our work. Thanks for all your support and feedback to my articles.

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New Year is the time to remember all the memories we share, all the fun things we did, all the secrets we poured out for but never regret the follies of the past as we reminisce about the year gone by. Now that time came to celebrate with all of you.


Wish you and your family a Happy and Prosperous New Year 2014. May God make you more knowledgeable in the coming year and give you more prosperity than ever.

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It’s time to welcome the fresh New Year with fresh hope, fresh expectation. Forget the past and think ahead. Thanks to all my friends, family members, blog followers and the unknown persons with whom I am connected with virtually.


Wishing you not just happiness but pure joy, not just wealth but Heaven's treasures, not just silence but God's peace. May this new year bring you all the blessings every day in your life.

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My friends, sincerely, I will never stop wishing that your journey through this world will be touched by kindness, inspired by wisdom, graced with understanding, and kept safe from all harm.


Wishing you not just happiness but pure joy, not just wealth but Heaven's treasures, not just silence but God's peace. May this new year bring you all the blessings every day in your life. Wish you and your family a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

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It’s Christmas time and I just wanted to say “Thank You” to you for your support and feedback through out the year. It’s been a pleasure to stay tuned with such awesome friends in my life. Though I know many of you virtually over the cyberspace, but we had a great bonding over the past year.


I wish you and your family an wonderful Holidays during the Christmas and a Happy New Year 2012. May god give you all the pleasure in coming year. A small video greetings has been included in this post. I hope, you will like it.

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