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Showing posts with label Video. Show all posts

In today's fast-paced world, technology is constantly evolving and changing. For software developers and teams, this means that managing version control is crucial to keep projects organized, efficient, and error-free. Git is a widely-used and powerful tool for version control that provides a robust and flexible set of features for managing code changes.


Whether you're working alone or in a team, understanding and implementing best practices for managing version control with Git can help streamline your workflow, improve code quality, and ensure that your projects are delivered on time and with high quality.

Published by on under Editorial | Git

Predictive Text is an input technology that facilitates typing by suggesting and inserting the words as you type. When enabled, it reduces the number of keys that the user has to type while writing. This feature you can see enabled on mobile, and on some sites like Gmail,


If you are wondering, Windows 10 also comes with the Predictive Text feature, but that is enabled by default for tablets. If you are using the Windows 10 desktop mode, you can enable it by following the steps below.

Published by on under Video | VideoTutorial

Microsoft released 26 short videos on YouTube that offers beginners to jumpstart in learning Node.js, the server-side JavaScript runtime for building apps. Though the series won't cover every single thing about Node.js but will give you the essential knowledge to get started with Node.


If you are an absolute beginner and would like to learn Node.js, here's the complete list of videos that Microsoft published for you on YouTube.

Published by on under JavaScript | News

My friends, sincerely, I will never stop wishing that your journey through this world will be touched by kindness, inspired by wisdom, graced with understanding, and kept safe from all harm.


Wishing you not just happiness but pure joy, not just wealth but Heaven's treasures, not just silence but God's peace. May this new year bring you all the blessings every day in your life. Wish you and your family a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Published by on under Greetings | Video

In our last video tutorial “What is the Lifecycle of Windows 8 Metro Style Application?”, we learnt how the Windows 8 metro style application life cycle works using a small video demonstration of states.
In this video tutorial we will see a practical example of it using the already available metro applications. Continue to watch the video tutorial series.


Published by on under Metro | Tutorial

It’s Christmas time and I just wanted to say “Thank You” to you for your support and feedback through out the year. It’s been a pleasure to stay tuned with such awesome friends in my life. Though I know many of you virtually over the cyberspace, but we had a great bonding over the past year.


I wish you and your family an wonderful Holidays during the Christmas and a Happy New Year 2012. May god give you all the pleasure in coming year. A small video greetings has been included in this post. I hope, you will like it.

Published by on under Greetings | Video

Today in this Video tutorial, we will learn about the Lifecycle of Windows 8 Metro style application. We will also learn what are the various states available during the Lifecycle.


Let’s start discussion followed by the video tutorial. An easy way of representation has been added in the video. Let me know your feedback. Don’t forget to share this to your friends and ask their feedback too.

Published by on under Metro | Tutorial

Hope you gone thru my previous video tutorial “How to Create a Windows 8 Metro Style Application using Visual Studio 2011?”, where I demonstrated about Windows Metro Style Application templates, creation of project and it’s project structure. There we also demonstrated one simple “HelloMetroStyleApplication” sample.


In this video tutorial, we will learn about “Package.appxmanifest” file which resides in the Metro application project directory. We will discuss step-by-step about each property page and XML content of this manifest file.

Published by on under Metro | Tutorial

People often asked me to start a Video Tutorial series on Windows 8 Metro Style Application development using Visual Studio 2011 and here is first part of the series. The series will include the video tutorial as well as some text to give you easy access to the code.


In this first part (10 mint Video Tutorial), we will learn how to get started with the Project and also we will learn the project structure. Later we will have a small demo to show you how to develop your first “Hello Metro Style Application” using Visual Studio 2011 IDE. Continue to the tutorial to learn more.

Published by on under Metro | Tutorial